
Splunk Alert calling a Perl script with error

New Member

I have a Splunk alert set up on pattern matching. I am able to see the alert triggered and the associated perl script trigger is not working.

I am getting the below error checking splunkd log file. I checked the access permission related issues, provided all permissions for the admin and users. I am still getting the same error. Please provide the resolution for this.

04-02-2013 11:58:36.670 +0530 ERROR script - command="runshellscript", Error while executing script [Error 5] Access is denied

I have my scripts placed in $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/scripts/
Moreover, I executed the same script outside splunk, it works fine.

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New Member

Hi, I resolve this by adding the perl executable location

!C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe at the first line of script.

I am able to execute the script from outside.
But, I can see the alert and I dont find the log for this perl script triggered. How do we check or trace this?

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