We have an alert which sends email for every result. In the query, there is a sorting process which is important in the sequence of our email notifications. Say our SPL is like this:
| sort Hierarchy
| table Hierarchy, Field2, Field3
For example, the query above results to a 5x3 table (5 rows) .:
Hierarchy Field2 Field3
1 aaa zzz
2 bbb yyy
3 ccc xxx
4 ddd www
5 eee uuu
What we notice is our MS Outlook receives the 5 emails not in order. It's very important for our stakeholders to receive these email notifications in order.
Is there some kind of a documentation (which I can't find, that's why I'm asking here) that will confirm that the reason for this is because Splunk performs the send email function asynchronously or in multiple threads instead of synchronous or single thread? Or are there other explanations?