Your search is a little odd - there is no need to join the first search with the second as they are searching the same data
index="os" source="Perfmon:Process" host="vm*" process_name="RT*"
| stats latest(_time) as lastSeen by host process_name
| where lastSeen>=relative_time(now(), "-300s")
| eval status="not running"
| table host status process_name
Does that work for you? Are you looking to get the latest HOST time or process_name time?
It's splits by process_name, but you may then get different times for each process. If you want to find if it's the HOST that's not running, then you could add
| eventstats max(lastSeen) as lastSeenHost by host
and change the where clause to use lastSeenHost in the test.
However, if your host does not report ANY data in your search time window, you can only know that it's not running if you know the name of all hosts that _SHOULD_ be running, which you would do by populating a lookup with all expected hosts and then using that list to validate whether the host is present or not
Your search is a little odd - there is no need to join the first search with the second as they are searching the same data
index="os" source="Perfmon:Process" host="vm*" process_name="RT*"
| stats latest(_time) as lastSeen by host process_name
| where lastSeen>=relative_time(now(), "-300s")
| eval status="not running"
| table host status process_name
Does that work for you? Are you looking to get the latest HOST time or process_name time?
It's splits by process_name, but you may then get different times for each process. If you want to find if it's the HOST that's not running, then you could add
| eventstats max(lastSeen) as lastSeenHost by host
and change the where clause to use lastSeenHost in the test.
However, if your host does not report ANY data in your search time window, you can only know that it's not running if you know the name of all hosts that _SHOULD_ be running, which you would do by populating a lookup with all expected hosts and then using that list to validate whether the host is present or not