I am trying to create a alert for cpu usage by using below query,
index=os host=cbtsv
| stats latest(*) as * by host
| table _time cpu_load_percent cpu_user_percent
| eval CPU=cpu_load_percent+cpu_user_percent|stats avg(CPU) as percent by host
here Ii am trying to add 2 fields (CPU=CPU load + cpu user)
but it is not giving results as expected
I want an alert to be triggered when Avg value of CPU=(cpu_load + cpu user) exceeds 90%.
How do I set the alert to meet the conditions above?
Final output like
Timestamp | Hostname | CPU | Status |
28/02/2022 21:58:00 | cbtsv | 90% | Critical |
Hi @jackin,
I suppose that you're taking logs using the Splunk_TA-nix.
Anyway, please try a search like this:
index=os host=cbtsv
| stats avg(cpu_load_percent) as cpu_load_percent avg(cpu_user_percent) AS cpu_user_percent BY host
| eval CPU=cpu_load_percent+cpu_user_percent
| table host CPU
Give this a try
index=os host=cbtsv
| table _time cpu_load_percent cpu_user_percent
| stats max(_time) as _time avg(cpu_load_percent) as cpu_load_percent avg(cpu_user_percent) AS cpu_user_percent
by host
| eval CPU=cpu_load_percent+cpu_user_percent
| where CPU>90 | eval Status="Critical" | eval CPU=CPU."%" rename host as Hostname
| table _time Hostname CPU Status
Hi @jackin,
I suppose that you're taking logs using the Splunk_TA-nix.
Anyway, please try a search like this:
index=os host=cbtsv
| stats avg(cpu_load_percent) as cpu_load_percent avg(cpu_user_percent) AS cpu_user_percent BY host
| eval CPU=cpu_load_percent+cpu_user_percent
| table host CPU