How do I get the Alert Manager incident emails links host:port part customised?
alert_manager/bin/lib/ seems to be using REST endpoint to get the server_info:
uri = '/services/server/info?output_mode=json'
context.update({ "results_link" : protocol + "://"+server_info["host_fqdn"] + ":"+ http_port +"/app/" + incident["app"] + "/@go?sid=" + incident["job_id"] })
context.update({ "view_link" : protocol + "://"+server_info["host_fqdn"] + ":" + http_port + "/app/" + incident["app"] + "/alert?s=" + urllib.quote("/servicesNS/nobody/"+incident["app"]+"/saved/searches/" + incident["alert"] ) })
I have a setup, where the host_fqdn is different than the SH public webui access URL.
I have already customized the generic server settings for Alert emails, which has a correct URL, so I could use it like this:
uri = '/services/configs/conf-alert_actions/email?output_mode=json'
context.update({ "results_link" : alert_email_settings["hostname"] +"/app/..."