Present scenario: We have alert " high memory " detect systems if memory hits the set threshold ( if Committed Memory usage is over 115% ) - Running on schedule every hour at 15 minutes past hour
Requirement : This alert give us kind of live result but We need historic data in terms of report so that we can do review at the end of month to understand Host "Alpha" caught into this alert for x times in month , Host "beta" caught into this alert for y times on. Basically need to find particular host how frequently and how many times having high memory.
| mstats avg(_value) AS CommittedMemoryInBytes WHERE index=xyz AND metric_name=Memory.Committed_Bytes by host
| join host [search index=abc sourcetype=WHM source=operatingsystem TotalPhysicalMemoryKB=*]
| eval PercentCommittedMemory = round( (CommittedMemoryInBytes*pow(2,-30)) / (TotalPhysicalMemoryKB*pow(2,-20) )*100,2)
| where PercentCommittedMemory > 115
| table host,PercentCommittedMemory,CommittedMemoryInBytes,TotalPhysicalMemoryKB
Any help will be appreciated.
Hi @akashsawant
you can either redirect the output to kvstore or standard lookups
and then retrieve the results for your historic data usecase
if it helps karma is appreciated/if it resolves solution acceptance in appreciated
Thanks @venky1544
I created lookup
but when I trying to throw in that lookup getting weird errors, DO you have any idea on this please ?
| mstats avg(_value) AS CommittedMemoryInBytes WHERE index=xyz AND metric_name=Memory.Committed_Bytes by host
| join host [search index=abc sourcetype=WHM source=operatingsystem TotalPhysicalMemoryKB=*]
| eval PercentCommittedMemory = round( (CommittedMemoryInBytes*pow(2,-30)) / (TotalPhysicalMemoryKB*pow(2,-20) )*100,2)
| where PercentCommittedMemory > 115
| table host,PercentCommittedMemory,CommittedMemoryInBytes,TotalPhysicalMemoryKB
| outputlookup Akash-KV
never mind @venky1544 , My bad i forgot to define KV store lookup.
Now I can able to throw my search result in Akash-KV.