I need some help to send an alert mail to my gmail account. So, I tried to make the same configuration like the configuration described in this link
and I still have not received the email alert in my mailbox. The alert is already triggered as I can see that in the "triggered alerts" section.
Did I miss some configuration or do I have make something in my server configuration before?
Thank you.
the problem is solved. Now, I can send emails, using Splunk alerts. the problem was in the SMTP Server. the company his propriate SMTP Server.
so for gmail we can use this configuration:
host: smtp.gmail.com:25
Security of email: Activer SSL
login: xxx.yyy@gmail.com
password: pwdpwd
The problem is your use of the word to
instead of from
or using
in the subject of this question.
sorry , my English is not very good
Actually your English is so good that I assumed you were merely careless rather than that you had made an honest mistake. If I had known, I would not have said anything.
Fixed subject for others searching.
hi wooddcock,
I have a problem and I can't fixe it . could you take a look at this link:
thank you
the problem is solved. Now, I can send emails, using Splunk alerts. the problem was in the SMTP Server. the company his propriate SMTP Server.
so for gmail we can use this configuration:
host: smtp.gmail.com:25
Security of email: Activer SSL
login: xxx.yyy@gmail.com
password: pwdpwd
Thanks you for your answer: i tried also to change the port (25 now), but still I get an error.
This is the last row of splunkd.log:
ERROR ScriptRunner - stderr from '/opt/splunk/bin/python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/bin/sendemail.py "results_link=http://splunklog:8000/app/servicedesk_plus/@go?sid=scheduler__admin_c2VydmljZWRlc2tfcGx1cw__RMD57a3876c9f7775455_at_1443799440_9022" "ssname=My_Name_Of-Report_Scheduled" "graceful=True" "trigger_time=1443799443" results_file="/opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/dispatch/scheduler__admin_c2VydmljZWRlc2tfcGx1cw__RMD57a3876c9f7775455_at_1443799440_9022/results.csv.gz"': ERROR:root:[Errno 1] _ssl.c:521: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number while sending mail to:
What could it be (a script error in sendmail.py) or authentication problem?
Splunk uses as default localhost
as mail server. If you're on *nix
like server make sure it can sent out mails; if you're on a Windows server either change the mail server or enable a mail server on this host.
More details needed, see docs http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.2/Alert/Setupalertactions#Configure_email_notificati...
I read the docs but I didn't understood the probleme where it is from. I want to use Gmail like a mail server.
Think you for your comment.
is your Splunk server able to connect to the Gmail mail server?
Here is a simple test http://www.anta.net/misc/telnet-troubleshooting/smtp.shtml
thank you. I don't have the permission to use telnet. so I will contact the administrator to give the permisssion to use it, and the I will re-test
Just in addition, I found this article about using Gmail from a python script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10147455/trying-to-send-email-gmail-as-mail-provider-using-python maybe this is of help too