I have the lastModifiedTime from the lookup table using the rest command, but can't figure out how to define the trigger condition when I select Custom. I've tried search count >0 AND lastModifiedTime < (now() - 900) with no success.
Hello there, try adding this eval at the end of your query, | eval action_var=if(lastModifiedTime < (now() - 900), "1", "0")
then add this as the custom condition where action_var=="1"
I verified the value is set for action_var, but where action_var=="1" doesn't cause the email to generate. I also tried setting the value without the quotes (data type?) and updating where action_var==1, with no success. Either the email generates every time the alert runs or never (if I select Throttle with number of results greater than 0). I'm using a lookup table that houses issues for two groups. My goal is to generate an email when a new issue is added, based on severity. Reminders going out based on status every 4 hours for severity and MWF at 8 am for non priority work fine.
action_var="1" does what I need, but I'm finding emails are generated when there are no results. I need to suppress these empty emails using the custom condition. Adding action_var="1" count > 0 causes the alert to not send emails when there are records. I would think the count would be exposed for my use. What am I missing?
Trigger condition should be action_var="1" AND count > 0
you are missing the boolean operator that could be the reason why its not alerting after the change.
Do you mind sharing your query and alert configuration ?
This has been resolved. The problem was I didn't have Count in the columns returned. After adding the count, it works properly. I had tried using AND previously, but without the count, the condition was never met. Thanks.
Oh I see. Good job!
can you post full query.