I'm new at this triggering of alert scripts and have hit my first obstacle.
When this search is manually fired in the Splunk GUI:
index=* sourcetype=df | multikv | eval perc_used=trim(UsePct, "%") | search perc_used >= 80 | runshellscript snow_alert.sh
Gives the following error message:
External search command 'runshellscript' returned error code 1. Script output = "ERROR "Missing arguments to operator 'runshellscript', expected at least 10, got 2." "
The script looks like this:
#! /bin/sh
# $0 Script name
# $1 Number of events returned
# $2 Search terms
# $3 Fully qualified query string
# $4 Name of saved search
# $5 Trigger reason (for example, "The number of events was greater than 1")
# $6 Browser URL to view the saved search
# $8 File in which the results for this search are stored (contains raw results)
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk search "|snow instance=dev action=insert request=incident short_description=\"Alert filed by Splunk.\" work_notes=\"R
esults URL = $6\""
That script is in the correct location on the filesystem and I am able to run it at the CLI.
Example from the CLI:
opt/splunk/bin/splunk search "|snow instance=dev action=insert request=incident short_description=\"Alert filed by Splunk.\" work_notes=\"Results URL = $6\"" >> splunk-testing.log 2>&1
The following error is logged:
"External search command 'runshellscript' returned error code 1. Script output = "ERROR "Missing arguments to operator 'runshellscript', expected at least 10, got 2.""
It is mentioned here:
When I execute:
echo "date
ARG0='$0' ARG1='$1' ARG2='$2' ARG3='$3' ARG4='$4' ARG5='$5' ARG6='$6' ARG7='$7' ARG8='$8'"
I get:
Tue Jan 22 12:43:32 PST 2013 ARG0='-bash' ARG1='' ARG2='' ARG3='' ARG4='' ARG5='' ARG6='' ARG7='' ARG8=''
What am I doing wrong?
awesome discovery.
That command is whats used when an alert script fires.
When an alert fires and there's a script to run those variables are passed to the script, along with a session key which is read from STDIN.
For instance $4 is the saved search name - this can't be set because this isn't a saved search.
If you save your search, and create an alert trigger to call your script - it will work.
Edit 1
Or ... create the variables yourself.
Here the 1st argument is the number of results
* | head 1 | runshellscript echo.sh * | head 1 | runshellscript echo.sh [ search * | stats count | return count ] 2 3 4 5 6 7
and it puts this in bin/scripts/echo_output.txt :
'/opt/splunk/bin/scripts/echo.sh' 'count=64972' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '/opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/dispatch/8/results.csv.gz' 'sessionKey=cedffc9ebc8cf266eb59a95156922ecd'
Worth noting ..
The script doesn't run against each row.
Edit 2
This is actually very, very cool
providing you're careful with your search you can pass search results directly into the script.
* | stats values(sourcetype) as types
| eval stuff=mvjoin(types,",")
| map search="| runshellscript echo.sh \"$stuff$\" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"
Now echo.sh gets a comma delimited list of sourcetypes as the 1st argument.
does runscript command only works in alerts? so I should create a search query, which has runscript command, in http://splunk.xyz/en-US/app/search/search and then save it as alert?.
I have directly tried this command in search GUI to saved the result but it does not return the results.csv.gz.
I also saved the search as alert but it also does not work 😞