The Splunk Web UI, banner, will display various items in the "Messages". How do you control what is sent to this? How do you configure alerts from it?
| rest /services/messages | table title message severity timeCreated_iso published splunk_server author
I have found the above from others post now but would like additional info, as in the is there a way to control what is sent to it? Current this message is seen by all users, can this be controlled?
I dont understand the question.
Do you want to get a mail each time an alert is run?
The Splunk Web UI, banner, will display various items in the "Messages". How do you control what is sent to this? How do you configure alerts from it?
| rest /services/messages | table title message severity timeCreated_iso published splunk_server author
I have found the above from others post now but would like additional info, as in the is there a way to control what is sent to it? Current this message is seen by all users, can this be controlled?