We have defined several alerts, each one having a documentation page online describing how it works and what to do when the alert is received. Now, I would like to let our users register to the email notification mechanism, by clicking a button and providing their own email address.
So, for a given alert, there are two things I currently I need to do:
- retrieve the email's current recipient list, in order to understand if the user is already subscribed
- alter the email's current recipient list, in order to let the user subscribe/unsubscribe
What do you suggest me? How should I proceed?
we use distribution lists. then you only have to put the single email in the alert and users add/remove themselves from the list.
Sorry, I forgot to specify this is not an option: this feature (using distribution lists) has been blocked from our side
In case some scripts need to be executed, I would like to work (if possible) with Python