i need to find a way to present all alerts in a dashboard(Classic/Studio). users don't want to get mail for each alert, they prefer to see (maybe in a table ) all the alerts in one page + the alert's last result.
and maybe to click on the alert and get the last search.
is it possible to create an alerts dashboard?
Thanks! i will check. i dont have permission to install apps.
i wonder if there is an internal query to get all alerts and their results
Hi @maayan,
with this search you can list all the alerts
| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches
| where alert_type!="always"
| table title
and with this search yu can list the fired alerts
index=_audit action="alert_fired"
| rename ss_name AS title
| join title [ | rest /services/saved/searches | table title, alert_threshold ]
| timechart values(alert_threshold) AS alert_threshold count by title
It's a very useful query!
| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches | where alert_type!="always" | table title,author,description,"eai:acl.owner","next_scheduled_time","action.email.to"
I need the alerts results and the second query doesn't work for me. i have already created an alert and see in under the "Alerts" tab and scheduled in today.
What i need to change in the second query to results?
maybe something in the alert setting? or different index?
Hi @maayan,
did you explored the Alert Manager App (https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2665)?
Try it, I usually use it when I cannot use ES.
Put attention only to one point: the app can see only alerts with a Global sharing.
we don't have permission to install the app. i will try to ask the infra team again.
is there an option to add the alert result to this query?
| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches | where alert_type!="always" | table title,author,description,"eai:acl.owner","next_scheduled_time","action.email.to"