I'm trying to add an alert to a dashboard panel: here is the base search:
index=name app_name=API brokerId=* operation=purchase earliest=-4h | xmlkv | timechart span=10min count by transactionType | eval NRTPCT=(NonRealTime/(RealTime+NonRealTime))*100 | eval RTPCT=(RealTime/(RealTime+NonRealTime))*100
What I would like to alert on is when the NRTPCT goes over 2%
I haven't figured out the conditional search for the alert to use.
Can anyone help?
Nevermind, changed the base search, added a new field for eval and used that field to determine the conditional search for the alert.
Nevermind, changed the base search, added a new field for eval and used that field to determine the conditional search for the alert.