Hey, I have a problem after upgrading to 9.1.5 from 9.0.4 (enterprise) all the dashboards that have tokenlinks.js from "simple_xml_examples" (splunk dashboard examples) app ,the latest version have the following error and the script don't work : " A custom JavaScript error caused an issue loading your dashboard. See the developer console for more details. " in the dev-tool F12 I sew the error comes from common.js : " Refused to execute script from/en-US/static/@29befd543def.77/js/util/console.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. common.js:1702 Error: Script error for: util/console http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror at makeError (eval at e.exports (common.js:502:244924), <anonymous>:166:17) at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (eval at e.exports (common.js:502:244924), <anonymous>:1689:36) " someone have any idea why or how to fix it? Thanks! Splunk Dashboard Examples Dashboard
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