Hi All, The below 10 Error Records have, Last 3 Error records need not ingested, the above 7 error records data only be ingested.How do we write the Regular Expression ,please guide me. 2023-11-06 15:30:48,941 ERROR pool-1-thread-1 com.veeva.brp.batchrecordprint.ScheduledTasks - PCI ERROR: No package class found with name: PRD-QDB35801A 2023-11-06 15:30:48,941 ERROR pool-1-thread-1 com.veeva.brp.batchrecordprint.ScheduledTasks - PCI ERROR: (INVALID_DATA) Invalid value [V5100000003P211] specified for parameter [package_class__c] : Object record ID does not resolve to a valid active [package_class__c] 2023-11-06 15:30:48,941 ERROR https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-9 com.veeva.brp.batchrecordprint.BatchRecordPrintController - PRINT ERROR: Print failure response 2023-11-06 15:30:48,941 ERROR pool-1-thread-1 com.veeva.brp.batchrecordprint.ScheduledTasks - Unknown error: {errorType=GENERAL, responseStatus=EXCEPTION, responseMessage=502 Bad Gateway} 2023-11-06 15:30:48,941 ERROR https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-2 com.veeva.brp.batchrecordprint.BatchRecordPrintController - (API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) You have exceeded the maximum number of authentication API calls allowed in a [1] minute period. 2023-11-06 15:30:48,941 ERROR pool-1-thread-1 com.veeva.brp.batchrecordprint.ScheduledTasks - PCI ERROR: No package class found with name: PR01-PU3227V1MSPS 0001 2023-11-08 06:19:49,539 ERROR https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-1 com.veeva.brp.batchrecordprint.BatchRecordPrintController - DOCLIFECYCLE ERROR: Error initiating lifecycle action for document: 5742459, Version: 0.1 2023-10-25 10:56:46,710 ERROR pool-1-thread-1 com.veeva.bpr.batchrecordprint.scheduledTasks - Header Field Name: bom_uom_1_c, value:E3HR5teHlfOQjzUJ74jTdKh1Tu0yajHqT/H98klZOyU= 2023-10-25 10:56:46,711 ERROR pool-1-thread-1 com.veeva.bpr.batchrecordprint.scheduledTasks - BOM Field Name: BOM_Added_1, value is out of Bounds using beginIndex:770, endIndex:771 from line: 2023-10-25 10:56:46,711 ERROR pool-1-thread-1 com.veeva.bpr.batchrecordprint.scheduledTasks
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