Try this Sample Dashboard Code and understand the code and then apply to u r scenario, it should work. { "visualizations": { "viz_RVm8V48A": { "type": "splunk.table", "options": { "columnFormat": { "sum(bytes_in)": { "data": "> table | seriesByName(\"sum(bytes_in)\") | formatByType(sum_bytes_in_ColumnFormatEditorConfig)" } }, "tableFormat": { "align": "> table |pick(alignment)" } }, "dataSources": { "primary": "ds_egVRJIic" }, "context": { "sum_bytes_in_ColumnFormatEditorConfig": { "number": { "thousandSeparated": false, "unitPosition": "after" } }, "alignment": [ "center" ] } } }, "dataSources": { "ds_egVRJIic": { "type": "", "options": { "query": "| inputlookup firewall_example.csv\r\n| stats sum(bytes_in) sum(bytes_out) count by host", "queryParameters": { "earliest": "-24h@h", "latest": "now" } }, "name": "Search_1" } }, "defaults": { "dataSources": { "": { "options": { "queryParameters": { "latest": "$global_time.latest$", "earliest": "$global_time.earliest$" } } } } }, "inputs": {}, "layout": { "type": "absolute", "options": { "width": 1440, "height": 960, "display": "auto" }, "structure": [ { "item": "viz_RVm8V48A", "type": "block", "position": { "x": 130, "y": 80, "w": 1240, "h": 260 } } ], "globalInputs": [] }, "description": "", "title": "Test" } If isn't work for u, can share u r sample data will help u accordingly. Thankyou!
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