Splunk Search

how to use universal source type for lookup a multiple indexs


I want to use two lookups where the logged in user roles are input to the 1st lookup and the 2nd lookup is fed by the result of 1st look up. But while implementing at the server i am getting "could not find fields for lookup table , conf missing the relevant fields error. Can any body help in this?

First Csv contains Second Csv Contains

Roles,Server Server,tier
admin,A A,C
User,B B,D

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0 Karma
1 Solution


You're using the lookup command wrong. You're specifying "Role as roles", but it should be the other way around - "roles as Role" (and same thing for the other lookup).

View solution in original post

0 Karma


You're using the lookup command wrong. You're specifying "Role as roles", but it should be the other way around - "roles as Role" (and same thing for the other lookup).

0 Karma


Thanks for the explanation Ayn, With some modifications it started working. 🙂

0 Karma


Ayn, the lookups used contain the fields which are being called from search query. its defined like "| rest /services/authentication/users | lookup samplelookup Role as roles | fields Server| mvexpand Server | Lookup mytiers Servers as Server". Any suggessions on the implementation?

0 Karma


i have modified the transforms.conf and props.conf to define the lookup table and definition

SO definition goes like this

Lookup-sample=mylookup Roles OUTPUT Server
Lookup-tier=mytiers Server OUTPUT tier

I am getting the result but when it is applied on different indexed data, i getting Error 'Could not find all of the specified lookup fields in the lookup table.' for conf 'tiers' and lookup table 'samplelookup'.

I am using the Rest api to get the user roles then i am looking up for the relevant fields to populate the dropdown from the results

0 Karma


When you call it on different indexed data, exactly how are you calling it? Because the error message really says it - you're telling it to use lookup fields that don't exist in the lookups you're calling.

0 Karma


More details please. What do your config files look like? How are you calling your lookups?

0 Karma
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