I use the scheduled search below
`winevent` (sourcetype="XmlWinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational" AND source="WinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational")
| fields host sourcetype source
| stats dc(host) as host by sourcetype
| sort -host
In my dashboard, I use a text box in order to be able to filter the results by host
So I call the scheduled search from my dashboard like this :
| loadjob savedsearch="admin:xxxxx:wineventbysourcetype"
| search host=$tok_filterhost$
The problem is that I can see my data but I am unable to filter by host
I succeed to filter by host if I put the stats command after the token filter :
| search host=$tok_filterhost$
| stats.....
But what I need is to keep the stats command in the scheduled search
so what is missing in my search please??
Everything should work as-is with the possible exception of sort - host
which is trimming your results set to 1000. Try switching to sort 0 - host
and all should be good.
Everything should work as-is with the possible exception of sort - host
which is trimming your results set to 1000. Try switching to sort 0 - host
and all should be good.
ok thanks
Hi @jip31,
I tried something like your search
main search
index=wineventlog | head 3000
second search
| loadjob 1574769641.9641 | search NOT EventCode=4672 | stats count BY EventCode
and it's running!
Could you share the output of the loadjob command?
like I said i am fonding a solution for thats working with stats in the search and not after loadjob
sorry no output for the loadjob command, I have just any results
Hi @jip31,
In my example it runs:
main search
index=wineventlog | head 3000 | stats count BY EventCode
second search
| loadjob 1574770940.9780 | search EventCode=4624
Anyway, did you explored the opportunity to use summary indexes?
you can archive the output of searches using collect or tscollect.
Yes I think its something like this and if you see my example its almost what I am doing
But, the problem is that I cant done :
| stats dc(host) as host by sourcetype host
It means that its impossible to stats host and to do a filter.... by host
Hi @jip31,
I don't know if this is the problem, but you cannot use the same field name in as and in by.
| stats dc(host) as host by sourcetype host
Anyway i tried a search
main search
index=wineventlog | head 3000 | stats dc(EventCode) As ec count BY Dominio_account EventCode
second search
| loadjob 1574775632.10229 | stats count BY Dominio_account
thanks but its no exactly correspond to my expectations
Hi @jip31,
what's the problem: to use host two times in stats or other?
Thi isn't possible also in a normal stats command.
You could run:
`winevent` (sourcetype="XmlWinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational" AND source="WinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational")
| fields host sourcetype source
| stats dc(host) as dc_host by sourcetype host
| sort -host