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Yet another transform nullqueue formatting issue (syslog "MARK" events)

Path Finder

I'm having no success in filtering out the "-- MARK --" messages from my syslogs.

Here is my props.conf:

sourcetype = syslog



Example raw source data:

Mar 12 15:54:43 ReadyNAS01 -- MARK --
Mar 12 15:34:43 ReadyNAS01 -- MARK --
Mar 12 15:14:43 ReadyNAS01 -- MARK --
Mar 12 14:54:43 ReadyNAS01 -- MARK --
Mar 12 14:34:43 ReadyNAS01 -- MARK --
Mar 12 14:14:43 ReadyNAS01 -- MARK --

I've tried following just about every example posted here, as well as the default ones... nothing seems to work. The only other idea is I'm editing the "wrong" props.conf... but Splunk has consumed other changes from that exact configuration file.

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1 Solution

Path Finder


I was close when I thought I was editing the "wrong" props.conf and transforms.conf Unfortunately the UI change I made put me on a wild goose chase.

The correct files to edit (for a Windows install) are located in $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\system\local\*.conf

My syslog is now properly filtering out -- MARK --

But, this means my sourcetypes are all messed up because they were all in the "admin" version of the props.conf (and not properly being set). Looks like some bulk export/importing is in my near future 😞

View solution in original post

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Path Finder


I was close when I thought I was editing the "wrong" props.conf and transforms.conf Unfortunately the UI change I made put me on a wild goose chase.

The correct files to edit (for a Windows install) are located in $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\system\local\*.conf

My syslog is now properly filtering out -- MARK --

But, this means my sourcetypes are all messed up because they were all in the "admin" version of the props.conf (and not properly being set). Looks like some bulk export/importing is in my near future 😞

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Path Finder

Okay, final try (before I throw something valuable/dangerous)...

Reading through this post:

... I now have a better idea on how pattern matches work for Windows-based Splunk sources. I think the double \\ I was using Is not matched, so the "source" of ...\\syslog matches nothing. I can't remember which Answers post I read had the "escaped" slash version for Windows-specific sources... but I know I read it at some point.

I have changed just the props.conf entry again to:

sourcetype = syslog
TRANSFORMS-null = marker

20 minutes will tell...

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Path Finder

Nailed down the exact locations of the files that Splunk expects to use (by creating a new "transform" in the UI, and locating that file). I think the reason I have so many props and transforms files is the install is a bit "dirty". I installed the enterprise version, then had a temporary 6 month dev license, then finally changed to free licensing (since my indexing is well under 500mb/day).
My "active" .conf file locations (Windows 7 install): C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\users\admin\search\local\*.conf
Still no dice with getting the nullQueue to work...

My next thought was maybe the props.conf is not catching it so I changed it to the exact source:

sourcetype = syslog
TRANSFORMS-null = marker

And transforms.conf:


(side question: why is nullQueue not a valid entry for FORMAT in the Field transformations UI?! This would make it possible to set these types of changes up via the UI... but, if you try to use it (by editing the regex) in the existing send_to_nullqueue Field transformation, it fails to save with an "Invalid FORMAT: nullQueue" error.)

0 Karma


Two things:

  1. check the TRANSFORMS option in props.conf, it should be like TRANSFORMS-whateveryouwant = marker
  2. use as regex for whitespaces a \s Hope this helps ...

cheers, MuS

0 Karma

Path Finder

I'll try that. I think I can reload the transforms with just | extract reload=t. But in light of all the problems, I've restarted... now I wait for 20 minutes for the next "marker"...

I also edited all three of the 'transforms.conf' files (save for the one with the comment that says "do not edit") in the following locations:


Nope, still getting " -- MARK --" entries.

Here's the new transforms.conf


I found additional props.conf file in \etc\users\admin\search\local\ and edited that one as well... I suspect this is the "correct" one to use since it has the brand-new field extractions I created...

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