Hi .. I need to extract back123 from the source field. pls provide the entire rex command needed to fetch back123 to a new field.
source = /opensource/final/back123
Hi @simona2121 - Looks like you have several answers to try out 🙂 If one of them has worked, please click "Accept" below the best answer to resolve this post. Thank you!
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Try this
source = "*opensource*" | dedup source | rex field=source ".*\/(?<new>.*)" | table source, new
Let's make it an even 4
... | rex field=source "\/(?<folder>[^\/]*)$"
Like this:
... | rex field=source ".*?(?<fn>[^\/]*)$"
Try this:
yoursearch | rex field=source ".*\/(?[^ ]+)" | table myfield
if that source is part of your event, then field=_raw is good.
yoursearch | rex field=_raw "final\/(?<rexField>.*)" | table rexField
if that source is splunk extracted source field, then field=source is good.
yoursearch | rex field=source "final\/(?<rexField>.*)" | table rexField