hi i want to extract purple part.
[Time:29-08@17:53:05.654] [60569222] 17:53:05.654 local3.notice [S=2952578] [SID=d57afa:30:1773434] (N 71121559) AcSIPDialog(#28)::TransactionFail - ClientTransaction(#471) failed sending message with CSeq 1 OPTIONS CallID 20478380282982024175249@, the cause is Transport Error [Time:29-08@17:53:05.654] [60569223] 17:53:05.655 local0.warning [S=2952579] [BID=d57afa:30] RAISE-ALARM:acProxyConnectionLost: [KOREASBC1] Proxy Set Alarm Proxy Set 1 (PS_ITSP): Proxy lost. looking for another proxy; Severity:major; Source:Board#1/ProxyConnection#1; Unique ID:208; Additional Info1:; [Time:29-08@17:53:05.655] [60569224] 17:53:05.656 local0.warning [S=2952580] [BID=d57afa:30] RAISE-ALARM:acIpGroupNoRouteAlarm: [KOREASBC1] IP Group is temporarily blocked. IP Group (IPG_ITSP) Blocked Reason: No Working Proxy; Severity:major; Source:Board#1/IPGroup#2; Unique ID:209; Additional Info1:; [Time:29-08@17:53:05.656] [60569225] 17:53:05.657 local3.notice [S=2952581] [SID=d57afa:30:1773434] (N 71121560) AcSIPDialog(#28): Handling DIALOG_DISCONNECT_REQ in state DialogInitiated
| rex max_match=0 "(?<alarm>RAISE-ALARM[^;]+;)"
Regex101.com is a good place to try and learn regular expressions https://regex101.com/r/F3vySr/1
1. Please don't post multiple thread about extracting fields from the same set of data.
2. Try to be more descriptive in naming the topic of the thread. "Regular expression" doesn't tell much about the thread contents.