I have this query:
search index="paloaltologs" user="*UserName" | table _time, user, url, action
However it doesn't appear to return the desired data - which is a table of the following:
EventDate / username / URL Visited / Allowed
Query seems to return everything except for the traffic that I want to view which is simply internet history and not internal network traffic. Please help!
Okay, so here are the debug steps that I would start with.
1) Go actually DO whatever it is you are trying to detect. For example, go browse a website. (If you don't have access, then find a single user who does, and have them do this step.)
2) Now you know one event - yours - that should absolutely be in those logs. Go find it.
Suppose your user name is CXW, search across the fifteen minute interval where you just browsed the web, and do this...
index="paloaltologs" CXW
Do not limit the search more than that. You want to be absolutely sure the records are in that index, and see any other records that you might want to get rid of.
3) Now start reducing the search, one step at a time, until you get only the record(s) you are interested in. Eventually , you will end up with a search that looks close to what you originally had, with one or two differences. Then you'll know what the prior mistake was.
If you can give an example of what it does return that is correct, and one example of what it returns that is incorrect, then we can help you more.
See below... I'm getting everything but the desired result which is just HTTP traffic...
Apr 10 15:17:21 SERVERNAME 1,2020/04/10: 15:17:21,001701015474,TRAFFIC,end,2305,2020/04/10 15:17:21,,,,,Zone Serveurs,DOMAIN\USERNAME,,dns,vsys1,Zone_Serveurs,Zone_Serveurs,ethernet1/1,ethernet1/1,ORG_LNF_SPLUNK,2020/04/10 15:17:21,395726,1,55482,53,0,0,0x19,udp,allow,464,166,298,4,2020/04/10 15:16:49,30,any,0,42206599365,0x0,,,0,2,2,aged-out,0,0,0,0,,SERVERNAME,from-policy,,,0,,0,,N/A,0,0,0,0,a91acf34-1547-4075-8c84-8c26d0469102,0,0,,,,,,,
action = allowed
host = spm1052
index = paloaltologs
source = /logs/paloalto.log
sourcetype = pan:traffic
type = TRAFFIC