I am trying to use the below search and plot a graph for the TPS field.
So, if I draw a chart with the TPS values over a day (duration) with a span of 1 min/5 mins, it would show a line graph over a day (duration) with the TPS value plotting over time.
host=X source=Y.log "data available" | stats min(_time) as EARLIEST
| appendcols [
search host=X source=Z.log 5.7_WOLFER | stats max(_time) as LATEST ]
| appendcols [
search host=X source=Y | stats count(ITIM_ID) as count ]
| eval TPS=count/(LATEST-EARLIEST)
Tried to use timechart in the following way, but didn't work
| timechart span=1m avg(eval(TPS=count/(LATEST-EARLIEST)))
I used this to fake the events:
|noop|stats count AS raw|eval raw=
"PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:21 -A- data available: 'XXXXXXX21467025246209'::
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:21 -A- 5.7_WOLFER 'XXXXXXX21467025246209'::
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:21 -A- data available: 'XXXXXXX21467025246225'::
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:21 -A- 5.7_WOLFER 'XXXXXXX21467025246225'::
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:24 -A- data available: 'XXXXXXX21467025246265'::
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:24 -A- 5.7_WOLFER 'XXXXXXX21467025246225'::
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:25 -A- data available: 'XXXXXXX21467025246205'::
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:25 -A- 5.7_WOLFER 'XXXXXXX21467025246225'"
| makemv delim="::" raw
| mvexpand raw
| rex field=raw "(?<sourcetype>\S+)\s+(?<time>\S+\s+\S+)\s+-A-\s+(?<ITIM_ID>.*?)\s+'"
| eval _time=strptime(time,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
Then I added this which does the work and worked for me:
| stats range(_time) AS spanSeconds count BY ITIM_ID
| eval TPS = count/spanSeconds
Try this (5 min interval)
... | eval TPS=count/(LATEST-EARLIEST) | bucket bins=288 EARLIEST | stats count TPS by EARLIEST
Like this:
... | timechart span=1m avg(eval(count/(LATEST-EARLIEST))) AS TPS
Or this:
... | eval TPS=count/(LATEST-EARLIEST) | timechart span=1m avg(TPS) AS TPS
Didn't work.
Adding any of the timechart throws error "No results found".
Show us the results of your first search.
The query would show the following data in a table. I only want the TPS data to show as a trendline (chart).
Start Time - 2016-04-07 13:41:59
End Time - 2016-04-07 16:20:59
Count (ITIM_ID) - 100
TPS=(End Time-Start Time/Count(ITIM_ID)) - 56.76 *No. as per formulae*
We need to see the actual event data returned by your search, without reformatting/summarizing.
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:21 -A- data available: 'XXXXXXX21467025246209'
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:21 -A- 5.7_WOLFER 'XXXXXXX21467025246209'
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:21 -A- data available: 'XXXXXXX21467025246225'
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:21 -A- 5.7_WOLFER 'XXXXXXX21467025246225'
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:24 -A- data available: 'XXXXXXX21467025246265'
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:24 -A- 5.7_WOLFER 'XXXXXXX21467025246225'
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:25 -A- data available: 'XXXXXXX21467025246205'
PERFORM 2015/06/29 14:11:25 -A- 5.7_WOLFER 'XXXXXXX21467025246225'
In the above log, count of ITIM_ID is 4
EARLIEST = 2015/06/29 14:11:21
LATEST = 2015/06/29 14:11:25
Difference = 4 seconds
TPS = 4/4 = 1
When I am running the above query for an hour, I am getting TPS value of the hour.
But, is it possible to get the same data over a trendline, which would say if the TPS value is varying over time, or, remaining fixed? All ideas are welcome.
Many Thanks,
@woodcock, can you please help me out on this?