Hi all.
I'm working with a FTP server which include a session number with each status and I wish to exclude the session number to be separate value to use later.
Example of the fields are:
I tried using replace "[*]" with * in cs_status but it won't remove the session number (inside the [] is the session number).
Basic search query:
"index=application sourcetype=FTPlogs"
Thank you for the assistance!
I managed to resolve it by using "extract new fields" and simply selected an example of each desired field and Splunk made the regex and the fields for me.
Hi @NizanCohen,
good for you, bu anyway I hint to learn to build your regexes by yourself because they are very much useful!
Please accept one answer for the other people of Community
Ciao and happy splunking.
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
Hi @NizanCohen,
let me understand, are you speaking to replace "[9999]action" with "999action"?
do you mean at search time or at index time?
If at search time, you could use the rex command.
Hi @NizanCohen,
yes you can do it, you need a regex, could you share a sample of your logs?
it should be something like this:
| rex field=your_field "^\[(?<session>\d+)\]"
Here's an example of two fields: