Splunk Search

ConvertToIntention within ConvertToIntention

Path Finder


I would like to add 2 arguments to a search from the results table this is the code that I have tried to work on. Any Help please?

<module name="ResultsHeader" layoutPanel="resultsHeaderPanel" group="splIcon-results-table" altTitle="Table">
  <param name="entityLabel">results</param>
  <param name="entityLabelSingular">result</param>
  <param name="entityName">results</param>
  <module name="Export" layoutPanel="pageControls">
    <param name="exportType">result</param>
  <module name="EnablePreview" group="show" layoutPanel="resultsOptions">
    <param name="enable">True</param>
    <module name="Paginator" layoutPanel="pageControls">
      <param name="entityName">results</param>
      <param name="maxPages">10</param>
      <module name="RowNumbers" layoutPanel="resultsOptions">
        <module name="DataOverlay" layoutPanel="resultsAreaLeft">
          <module name="SimpleResultsTable" layoutPanel="resultsAreaLeft">
            <param name="entityName">results</param>
            <param name="drilldown">all</param>
            <module name="ConvertToIntention">
              <param name="intention">
                <param name="name">addterm</param>
                <param name="arg">
                  <param name="source">$click.value$</param>
              <module name="ConvertToIntention">
                <param name="intention">
                  <param name="name">addterm</param>
                  <param name="arg2">
                    <param name="source">$click2.value$</param>
                <module name="ViewRedirector">
                  <param name="viewTarget">YourView2</param>
                  <param name="popup">True</param>
          <module name="Paginator" layoutPanel="resultsAreaLeft">
            <param name="entityName">results</param>
            <param name="maxPages">10</param>
0 Karma


Below is the output from the device
Oct 3 09:45:28 Website=xxx:80 ClientIP=xxx.xxx.xxx.235 HTTP_Method=POST URL="/" HTTP_Version=HTTP/1.1 User_Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A403 Safari/8536.25 HTTP_Referer="http://xxxx/" Request_Start_Time=2012/10/03 09:46:15 Request_Length=1424 Request_Elapsed_Time=26 Server=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 HTTP_Status=302 Response_Start_Time=2012/10/03 09:46:15 Response_Length=147

The search then picks up the ClientIP, dedups it so i know how many individual clients and then locates in the world using geoip. The table i generate with the above will then list clients per a country, but ideally i would like to drill down into the table and get the ips for clients in that country.

Any help greatly apprecitated.

0 Karma

Path Finder

02 May 2012 08:14:31:411 INFO [Fix message assembler] in.FMRFIBOOM_BLPUS - <13 NewOrderSingle (8=FIX.4.4|9=123|35=D|56=BLPUS|49=FMRFIBOOM|52=20120502-12:14:31|34=15|54=8|55=IBM|38=15200|44=27|11=Order8|21=2|60=20120502-12:14:31|40=7|10=118|)
this is an example log entry i want to select both 56= and 49=
the search string has not been specified yet ! I seen an example or two where the clicks where replacing specific fields e.g a user name and associated i.p for that log on but at the moment i'm just been requested to provide 2 click selection on a universal search! Hope that makes more sense!

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Can you describe in more detail what the search looks like, what the results look like, and the problems you are having with the drilldown? I can't tell that from the code sample you have provide above (thanks for the code, though!).

0 Karma
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