I have set up a drilldown to jump from a timechart graph to another dashboard.
The resulting URL for the target dashboard displays like this:
Note that the earliest and latest params are set to Epoch time. I would like to have a HTML label above the chart that uses tokens to update ("$status$ from $earliest$ to $latest$"). My problem is that it comes up like:
Abandoned searches from 1395205200 to 1395810000
Is there any way I can format those epoch timestamps to be able to display them to the user in a readable format?
You could add a time range picker and feed your tokens into that, that way the user can both see the time range (to some degree) and manipulate it as well.
You could add a time range picker and feed your tokens into that, that way the user can both see the time range (to some degree) and manipulate it as well.
You can save yourself some customization if you leave off the custom token name for the time input... assuming that's the only time range picker on the dashboard.
I tried that with this:
<input type="time" token="time_token">
<label />
<latestTime >$latest$</latestTime>
I had done that, but I realize now that I had to redefine how I was passing tokens. I was getting
I needed to change the sending form to send the tokens in the proper format.
Thanks again!