Splunk Search

Compare values in two different json objects



This question has probably been asked and answered, but, I just can't seem to find a best solution; 

I have a search that returns N of similar json objects of approx type: 


name: "name", 

id: "id", 

somelist: [


     name: "foo" 

     value: "bar" 



     name: "foo"

     value:  "baz" 






where I want to compare the "somelist" part of every object to another object. In the end write out diff between them to separate column. 


Thanks a lot, 


Labels (3)
0 Karma


What would your expected results look like?

0 Karma


That's actually a good question. I don't yet know. My first guess would be to mark it somehow in a separate column. Like, "No Match", "Change" or some sort of that.

0 Karma


ITWhisperer is correct.  If you are unclear what the end result look like, any given solution could either backfire or not scratch the itch, so to speak.  There is a second clarification that is needed: what operation do you have in mind to "compare the 'somelist' part of every object to another object."

This said, I often find myself in the same struggle to untangle my own "requirements".  So I'd like to throw out some assumptions to help clarify the question.  In essence, you need to specify what this "another object" looks like.  Is it another list of name-value pair?  Or is it a scalar value list?  In both cases, I am assuming that the "another object" is a fixed object, not another indefinite set like "similar json objects" that your search returns. (Like ITWhisperer notes, comparing two indefinite sets can deplete resources very quickly.)

In the simplest case, if "another object" is a list of name-value pairs like the following:

{"anotherobject" : [{"name" : "foo", "value" : "bar"}, {"name" : "notfoo", "value" : "bar"}, ... {"name" : "foo", "value" : "biz"}]}

A meaningful comparison could be: Is the intersect between somelist and anotherobject empty?  This would be straightforward:


| set intersect [
  search that returns similar json objects
  | rename somelist{}.* as somelist_*
  | eval somepair = mvzip(somelist_name, somelist_value, "-")
  | stats values(somepair) as pairs
] [
  search or expression that returns another object
    | rename anotherobject{}.* as another_*
    | eval anotherpair = mvzip(another_name, another_value, "-")
    | stats values(anotherpair) as pairs


The second case, comparing somelist{}.value set (with a given somelist{}.name) to a scalar value set, is more convoluted.  Maybe you want to know which somelist{}.name gives non-empty intersection with this scalar value set?  Again, I will illustrate the simplest case, when you only want to know if somelist{}.name == "foo" gives non-empty intersection:


| set intersect [
  search that returns similar json objects
  | rename somelist{}.* as somelist_*
  | stats values(somelist_value) as values by somelist_name
  | where somelist_name == "foo"
  | table values
] [
  search or expression that returns another object
    | stats values(anotherobject_value) as values


It is worth noting that "set" command is used only for illustration purposes.  Depending on what you want to do next, there are often  more efficient methods.

0 Karma


Perhaps you need to work out what it is you are trying to achieve first. Trying to compare each event to every other event or even worse part of every event with every other part of every other event is not only difficult, it will lead to an exponential expansion of resource usage and quickly breach limits.

0 Karma
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