I am beginner to Splunk and could you please help me with the following scenario. I have a search that will display a pie chart of the computer count.
Now I would like to combine the search results with a wild card search
Search I use : mySearch here | stats dc(COMPUTER) by OS
Thanks in advance.
Can you please try this?
YOUR_SEARCH | eval OS=case(like(lower(OS),"windows%"),"Windows",like(lower(OS),"mac%"),"Mac",1=1,OS) | stats sum("Computer Count") as "Computer Count" by OS
My Sample Search:
| makeresults | eval OS="Windows 7", "Computer Count"=50 | append [| makeresults | eval OS="Windows Server", "Computer Count"=25] | append [| makeresults | eval OS="Mac x", "Computer Count"=20] | append [| makeresults | eval OS="Mac y", "Computer Count"=25] | append [| makeresults | eval OS="Ubuntu", "Computer Count"=30]
| eval OS=case(like(lower(OS),"windows%"),"Windows",like(lower(OS),"mac%"),"Mac",1=1,OS) | stats sum("Computer Count") as "Computer Count" by OS
Can you please try this?
YOUR_SEARCH | eval OS=case(like(lower(OS),"windows%"),"Windows",like(lower(OS),"mac%"),"Mac",1=1,OS) | stats sum("Computer Count") as "Computer Count" by OS
My Sample Search:
| makeresults | eval OS="Windows 7", "Computer Count"=50 | append [| makeresults | eval OS="Windows Server", "Computer Count"=25] | append [| makeresults | eval OS="Mac x", "Computer Count"=20] | append [| makeresults | eval OS="Mac y", "Computer Count"=25] | append [| makeresults | eval OS="Ubuntu", "Computer Count"=30]
| eval OS=case(like(lower(OS),"windows%"),"Windows",like(lower(OS),"mac%"),"Mac",1=1,OS) | stats sum("Computer Count") as "Computer Count" by OS
@kamlesh_vaghela Thanks a lot it works 🙂