Splunk Search

Alert on Duplicate IPs with detail


I'm trying to produce an alert based on a user logged in w/ 2 ips within 10 minutes.   I have a way to determine if they have it, however, i would like to see the IPS addresses they had in the alert.   How can i achieve this?

The following will trigger, but need to see the ips as well.

index="w3logs" earliest = -10m
| eval tempx = split(X_Forwarded_For,",")
| eval ip=mvindex(tempx,0)
| stats dc(ip) as dup by cs_username | where dup > 1

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Hi @zippo706,

You can simply add values(ip) function to stats command to display ip addresses;

index="w3logs" earliest = -10m
| eval tempx = split(X_Forwarded_For,",")
| eval ip=mvindex(tempx,0)
| stats dc(ip) as dup values(ip) as ip by cs_username | where dup > 1


If this reply helps you an upvote and "Accept as Solution" is appreciated.
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Try this assuming your data is normalized and X_Forwarded_For is a custom header extraction:

index=w3logs earliest=-20m
| eval src=coalesce(mvindex(split(X_Forwarded_For, ","), 0), src)
| streamstats time_window=10m dc(src) as src_count by user
| where src_count > 1 AND _time > relative_time(now(), "-10m")
| stats min(_time) as _time values(src) as src by user
| eval src=mvjoin(src, ",")
| table _time user src

Replace user with cs_username if needed.

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