I have a <panel> <chart> that has extremely skinny columns on a simple column chart. What is the simplest way to increase the width or thickness of the actual columns in the chart? Seems to have large enough gaps in the chart to accommodate readable columns.
You can use following code increase the column width.
<option name="charting.lineWidth">2</option>
I have an overlay on that graph which does increase in size with this new code, but the column themselves don't get bigger. Here is a picture of the graph. I'd like the orange columns to be thicker. I have a very similar chart right above it and is much thicker.
Aggregate your results into wider chunks e.g. if you are counting by minute, try changing the span to 5m or 10m
The Splunk Dashboard Examples app has an example of that.
Thank you for the reply. It does not really help here at all.