We are being unable to use the PostgreSQL connector since updating to SOAR version 6, either with the last connector version or with previous the ones.
This issue is happening both on cloud environments and on-prem environments (which where connecting ok to PostgreSQL while on Phantom 5.X versions).
This is the error we are getting on-prem (the very same happens on cloud enviroments with automation broker).
Testing Connectivity
App 'PostgreSQL' started successfully (id: 1723042384532) on asset: 'pgdb'(id: 433)
Loaded action execution configuration
db login error
SCRAM authentication requires libpq version 10 or above
Test Connectivity Failed. PostgresqlConnector::initialize() returned error.
I already opened a suport ticket weeks ago but maybe some of you were able to solve it on your own.
Any ideas about the root cause and possible solutions?