Splunk SOAR

Is there any App or Functionality for recording a user response?

Path Finder

Hi all,

Here's an interesting use case, wonder if SOAR can handle it.

You send a user an email from SOAR after running a playbook. In the email you ask them a question with a Yes / No Response

User can click "Yes" or "No" hyperlinks in the email, both are URL's linking back to SOAR.

SOAR records when the URL is accessed, and notes it down in the related event (e.g. User click "No")

Any possible way of doing something like that?

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@CS_ the issue with links/webhooks is you would likely need to nest the REST token in the URL to authenticate and it can get quite tricky with email specifically. I believe Teams/Slack has better ways of recording user responses to questions, but email is trickier.

I have however implemented something like this and I did it by nesting an encoded string into the original email with a key PHKEY=<encoded string> (coloured white to not be visible to the user) which had the container_id the email was related to and some other information for the handling of the response, in a pipe-delimited string. 

I then had SOAR polling for the replies and every email ingested was checked for the embedded PHKEY string, decoded, and the contents of the reply body used to determine their response and direct the next step(s) in the automation. 

The only issue is that if you ask Yes/No you also have to handle if they reply with something else 😄  #PeopleWillPeople

Hope this helps! Happy SOARing! 

Path Finder

@phanTom wrote:


Ain't that the truth haha. End users, I'd love them if I didn't hate them sometimes 🙂

Thanks for the reply as always - food for thought. I can always build a webapp to supplicant SOAR - so that reads the response, and updates the relevant container. Just a lot of extra work.

I'll just guess it's "not possible at present" 🙂

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