We are seeing high CPU 100% on the server always. It is very slow. The SII is deployed on a Windows 2012 R2 server. We see that there are 6 splunkd services running average 11%. Why there are so many processes running and how can we fix this high CPU issue?
Hi s2801871r!
What are the specs? Which version of SII?
What inputs have you enabled and from how many servers?
Following is the SII information:
Splunk Insights For Infrastructure
Version ..................................................................................1.1.0
Build ..................................................................................2
Server .................................................................................. 4 CPU 8 GB RAM
Splunk TA AWS Version ..................................................................................4.5.0
Splunk Version ..................................................................................7.1.0
Splunk Build ..................................................................................cc33fbdac2cf
We are have 35 entities syncing metrics. do you need any additional information?
What input are the entities using (collectd? aws? windows?)
collectd from Linux and windows. No AWS.