I am testing the SmartStore setup on S3 with Splunk Enterprise running on an EC2 instance.
I am attempting this with an IAM role that has full S3 access.
When I included the access keys in indexes.conf and started the instance, SmartStore successfully started.
However, when I assigned the IAM role permissions to the EC2 instance and removed the key information from indexes.conf, Splunk froze at the loading screen with indexes.conf....
Running AWS commands shows that various files from S3 are listed.
Below is the indexes.conf. During the loading process, Splunk freezes and does not start. The splunkd.log shows a shutdown message at the end. If I re-enter the key information in indexes.conf, it works again. I want to operate this using the IAM role.
remotePath = volume:rstore/$_index_name
storageType = remote
path = s3://S3バケット名
remote.s3.endpoint = https://s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com
This site implies the remote.s3.endpoint setting is not needed. https://blog.arcusdata.io/how-to-set-up-splunk-smart-store-in-aws
See https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.3.0/Indexer/SmartStoresecuritystrategies#Authenticate... for AWS permissions that must be granted to the role.
Could you please check your splunkd.log for any error events and share them?
Thank you
below is splunkd.log
09-20-2024 06:36:54.626 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - shutting down level="ShutdownLevel_HttpClient"
09-20-2024 06:36:54.626 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - shutting down name="HttpClient"
09-20-2024 06:36:54.626 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - shutting down level="ShutdownLevel_DmcProxyHttpClient"
09-20-2024 06:36:54.626 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - shutting down level="ShutdownLevel_Duo2FAHttpClient"
09-20-2024 06:36:54.626 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - shutting down level="ShutdownLevel_S3ConnectionPoolManager"
09-20-2024 06:36:54.626 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - shutting down name="S3ConnectionPoolManager"
09-20-2024 06:36:54.626 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - shutting down level="ShutdownLevel_AwsSdk"
09-20-2024 06:36:54.626 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - shutting down name="loader"
09-20-2024 06:36:54.628 +0000 INFO Shutdown [2498 Shutdown] - Shutdown complete in 5.124 seconds
09-20-2024 06:36:54.629 +0000 INFO loader [2296 MainThread] - All pipelines finished.