Splunk forwarder powershell script is causing resource exhaustion and this script is running for 8-9 hours.
Any idea on this issue?
@gcusello It came with splunk forwarder package.
@gcusello do you have any idea on troubleshooting this issue?
Hi @Roy_9 ,
if it's a script from the Universal Forwarder, you can open a case to Splunk Support.
Some yers ago I had an issue with the UF installed on a server that wasn't able to connect to DNS server and used too much memory to resolve addresses, and Support solved the issue,
call them.
Hi @Roy_9,
I suppose it's a script from an add-on, which one?
If it's a Splunk supported Add-On, you can open a case to Splunk Support.
Are you sure that the issue is in the script, what does it happen if you disable it?