Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Daily License consumption for a specifc indexers cluster


Hi Splunkers, I have a doubt about License Consumption.
I'm not here to ask how to calculate daily ingestion and/or license consumption in a Splunk Envrinonment.
Community is full of topic about this and I have my search I use when no Monitor Console is configured.
The point is the following: on a LM, I have 3 different environment, each one with a set of SH, indexers and so on. The only "point of contact" is the LM itself, so, in a schematic way:

Env A (SHs, IDX cluster, others hosts) ---> LM "X"
Env B (SHs, IDX cluster, others hosts) ---> LM "X"
Env C (SHs, IDX cluster, others hosts) ---> LM "X"

Question is: what about if I have to search daily license consumption for only one of above ENVs? For example, I want calculate license consumption only for Env A.
First thing I thought: Ok, I have two options:

  • Use MC
  • Use my search on _internal logs, based on license consumption data, and specify, as idx parameter, only indexes subset for desiderd ENV.

PROBLEM: ENVs have not totally different indexes. For example, index "linux_audit" is set on all 3 env. So, if I try to differentiate cluster based on their own indexes, I'm not able to do this.

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You can either search on each environment separately (which I assume you don't wanna do) or use the LM as a "central search head" from which you'll be able to spawn searches to each of those environments. Then you can just search specific peers.


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