I have few questions that I want your support.
Recently we migrated from distributed to clustered environment. Not yet get familiar with cluster env.
1st question:
On the migrated standalone search head we required to run Splunk App for CEF to transform some events into CEF format prior to send them. For some reason, for Splunk App for CEF to work, we unrestricted "unsupported hotlinked imports" on that standalone search head in " Settings -> Server Settings -> Internal Library Settings". Unfortunately after migration, on the cluster members, I can't find setting "Server Settings, Server Control, etc".
1. a: I am wondering if this is a normal behavior for cluster members, If yes how can I unrestrict "unsupported hotlinked imports".
1. b: Also I am wondering if there is no other way to transform into CEF format without using: "Splunk App for CEF"
2nd question: We are using one instance as Cluster manager and search head deployer, I am wondering if it's normal to see the search head deployer listed among the search heads.
Thank you