Splunk Enterprise



Original_host Filed extraction should be aligned if a Syslog server have different date/time format. The current filed extraction is defined based on your syslog server and I am positive that this app works only for a couple of Splunk customers.

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in the props.conf, the original_host extraction won't work for the majority of users  - EXTRACT-original_host = \d+-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+[\+\-]\d{2}:\d{2}\s(?<original_host>\S+)

original_host is I believe a crucial fiield, so all datamodels can work as expected

0 Karma


Ok. We have no context. You're writing as if we were supposed to know what you are talking about. You're posting in a Splunk Enterprise section of this forum, which is meant for questions specific to on-premise software functionality and issues. But you selected a specific add-on as a product you're referring to. In such case you should have posted in the 'All Apps and Add-ons' section. We do not have glass orbs and don't know what you mean 😉

0 Karma


Honestly? I have no idea what you're talking about. Could you be more specific?

0 Karma
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