Hello to everyone!
Today I noticed strange messages in the daily warn and errors report:
10-04-2024 16:55:01.935 +0300 WARN UserManagerPro [5280 indexerPipe_0] - Unable to get roles for user= because: Could not get info for non-existent user=""
10-04-2024 16:55:01.935 +0300 ERROR UserManagerPro [5280 indexerPipe_0] - user="" had no roles
I checked that this couple first appeared 5 days ago, but this fact can't help me because I don't remember what I changed in the exact day.
I also tried to find some helpful "nearby" events that can help me to understand the root case, but didn't observe anything interesting.
Which ways do I have to investigate this case?
Maybe I can "rise" log policy to DEBUG lvl? If I can, what should I change and where?
Little more information:
I have searchhead cluster with LDAP authorization
And also indexer cluster only with local users
@isoutamo, Thank you for your attention to my problem.
I saw this post, and I also saw the resolution—create the user 'system'.
But my case is a little bit different because errors have no information about the user that is absent.
Only quotes without anything.
Please stop UP-ing the thread. You haven't found a similar issue in old threads, noone seems to be able to help you here right now. It's time to engage support. Posting "UP" once a week only clutters the forum.
Thanks for understanding.
Sorry for had being annoying, I'm stopping this behavior.
A week ago, I tried to enable DEBUG log to find the root case
But found only the similar events without anything helpful to find the root case