Splunk Enterprise

Event timestamp extraction not working after creating sourcetype in splunk web gui


Hi Team,

I'm trying to add customized event timestamp by extracting from raw data instead of adding current time as the event time.

To achieve this I created a sourcetype with following settings from splunk web gui after testing in lower environment. But in production it is not functioning as expected.


Raw data: 
2024-11-18 09:20:10.187, STAGE_INV_TXNS_ID="xxxxxxxxx", LOC="xxxxxxx", STORE_NAME="xxxxxxx", STORE_PCODE="xxxxxxxxx", TRAN_CODE="xxxx", TRANS_TYPE="xxxxxxx", TRAN_DATE_TIME="2024-11-18 09:09:27", LAST_UPDATE_USER="xxxxxx"
2024-11-18 09:20:10.187, STAGE_INV_TXNS_ID="xxxxxxxxx", LOC="xxxxxxx", STORE_NAME="xxxxxxx", STORE_PCODE="xxxxxxxxx", TRAN_CODE="xxxx", TRANS_TYPE="xxxxxxx", TRAN_DATE_TIME="2024-11-18 09:09:27", LAST_UPDATE_USER="xxxxxx"
2024-11-18 09:20:10.187, STAGE_INV_TXNS_ID="xxxxxxxxx", LOC="xxxxxxx", STORE_NAME="xxxxxxx", STORE_PCODE="xxxxxxxxx", TRAN_CODE="xxxx", TRANS_TYPE="xxxxxxx", TRAN_DATE_TIME="2024-11-18 09:09:28", LAST_UPDATE_USER="xxxxxxx"
2024-11-18 09:20:10.187, STAGE_INV_TXNS_ID="xxxxxxxxx", LOC="xxxxxxx", STORE_NAME="xxxxxxx", STORE_PCODE="xxxxxxxxx", TRAN_CODE="xxxx", TRANS_TYPE="xxxxxxx", TRAN_DATE_TIME="2024-11-18 09:09:30", LAST_UPDATE_USER="xxxxx"

I want the timestamp in TRAN_DATE_TIME field to be event timestamp. This data we are pulling from database using db connect.

Could you please help us in understanding whats going wrong and how it can be corrected.

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0 Karma


Try extending your MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD to include the part of the event containing the TRANS_DATE_TIME field (when counted from the beginning of the event data)?

0 Karma


@ITWhisperer  I tried MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD value with 0 , -1 to disable the timestamp processor as per splunk docs on props.conf and also tried increasing the lookahead value to 350.

But nothing seems to be working. 

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