Im new in this and I need some help with this
for example I need to correlate two events from linux.
my first search is
"svr-jrs-mat" rhost="*"
results: Oct 18 16:48:10 svr-jrs-mat-01 sshd[12160]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication success; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=aaa
where only I need rhost= and user=aaa for my second result
sourcetype=linux_secure "svr-jrs-mat" parametro="*"
result: Oct 18 16:48:21 svr-jrs-mat-01 sudo: aaa : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/aaa ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/cat /var/log/secure
the thing is I need to correlate and know what user from what IP do sudo and the command in real time
I try with eval and rex but no result, thanks
Try this:
index="YouShouldAlwaysSpeciryAnIndex" AND sourcetype="linux_secure" AND "svr-jrs-mat" AND parametro="*" AND [search index="YouShouldAlwaysSpeciryAnIndex" AND sourcetype="AndSourcetypeToo" AND "svr-jrs-mat" rhost="*" | table rhost user | format]
I'm interested in knowing what eval
and rex
commands you've tried. Have you tried something like this?
"svr-jrs-mat" (rhost="*" OR sourcetype=linux_secure parametro="*")
| rex "sudo: (?<sudo>\w+)
| eval user=coalesce(user, sudo)
| stats values(*) as * by user
| table _time user rhost COMMAND