we have to prepare splunk usage report. we would like to have data such as
Which app creates load?
App wise usage, ie how many users are accessing which app?
Number of concurrent users logged in hourly basis for 24 hours?
which savedsearch /alerts consumes resources?
Which user consumes resources?
current storage of each index?
This will give us a clear picture how splunk is used and whether we require to add more resources to splunk clusters.
Can you please provide the queries?
Much of this is already done inside the Management Console
There are also many apps that attempt to shed light in this area; do a search on splunkbase:
You can try a bunch and copy the queries that they use for your own dashboard.
Thank you. The Distributed Management Console we have doesn't show such info. we're using splunk 6.4.0.
Here are some apps to try:
Meta Woot! https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2949/
Search Activity https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2632/
Search Log Processing https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3019/
S.O.S https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/748/