I need to build a navigation menu for an app based on user roles. For example, I need a navigation menu which has views 'view1', 'view2' for users who are in 'user' role, I need a navigation menu which has views 'view1', 'view3' for users who are in 'admin role'. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this.
The navigation menu has only 'default.xml' and no easy way to customize it. Appreciate any feedback.
Users will only see the dashboards they have permissions to. As an Admin you will see them all, if you have a user group without permissions to view a dashboard then that dashboard will not appear in that users navigation view, despite it being in the default.xml
EDIT: Have a look here for a similar question I hit before, http://splunk-base.splunk.com/answers/37926/multiple-defaultxml-navs-specify-which-user-gets-what
Users will only see the dashboards they have permissions to. As an Admin you will see them all, if you have a user group without permissions to view a dashboard then that dashboard will not appear in that users navigation view, despite it being in the default.xml
EDIT: Have a look here for a similar question I hit before, http://splunk-base.splunk.com/answers/37926/multiple-defaultxml-navs-specify-which-user-gets-what
Hm, I would treat it as a bug. Splunk can modify it if they disagree but since the permissions system is meant to work silently in the background and not show links to dashboards that users can't see, this is clearly failing in this instance as it will still try to load the default. It needs to be looking for the next "user permission approved" dashboard to use as the default
Yes. We do. Do you suggest to file a bug report or enhancement request.
I would argue that if the navigation isn't displaying the options per user permissions then it should move onto the next option by default which would be a bug. Either way its not behaving the way you would obviously expect. Do you have a support license?
Cool. Although it is not exactly what I want, the suggestion you gave worked. My menu options are mutually exclusive for the roles. For now, I made
Right, the first one is the default, Splunk is probably still trying to load it. Try setting one that all can access as a default and see what happens.
Here is the sample navigation menu
I assumed the same. Unfortunately that is not happening. The first option in the menu is a "Supervisor_Dashboard" view which is visible only to admin, when a user who has 'user' role logs in. Splunk is throwing this error. "Splunk cannot find the "Supervisor_Dashboard" view."