I want replace the Splunk logo with our company logo on the login page of Splunk 6.2.
Can any one please help. This is very urgent.
Thanks in advance.
Any tips to change the log in page for 6.5.x?
Another 'dirty' Method, but using the 'official' way, edit the file web.conf located at
login_content = <span style="font-size: 25px;">TEST Environment
<script>document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'white';
document.getElementById('brand').innerHTML='<span style="color: blue;">Company-Name-Logo-Whatever</span>'
Restart SPLUNKWEB - done.
Documentation concerning 'web.conf': http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.4.0/Admin/Webconf
Using JavaScript and 'innerHTML' that way could be 'dangerous' (Virus, etc.), you have complete control over the DOM:
you shall know what you do!
Works in Splunk 6.4.0 and 6.4.1 at least.
You can tweak the login screen somewhat. I will explain how to put a logo on the login-screen and change the background.
Disclaimer: It is you responsibilty if you make changes and something goes rotten! I am in no way responsible.
This said: backup everything you want to change!!
The logo and background image must be placed in /share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/img/
First change the file /share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/js/build/accountpage.js (back it up!!)
For putting a logo on the login screen choose an editor of your choice and search for :
*else if (model.serverInfo.isEnterprise()) { %>/n splunk>®/n \n Monitoring\n
You can get the old login.css modification to work . But you have to start Splunk in legacy mode as you would if you want the Duo Two Factor authentication login plugin to work. http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.0/Admin/StartSplunk#Start_Splunk_Enterprise_on_Unix_...
The official answer??
"Login page customization is no longer available
Login page customization is no longer available in 6.2. You can only modify the header and footer of the login page after an upgrade."
That being said...anything is possible...but looks like it's not supported.
Upadting old answer from my old account: