I have this search
index=sro sourcetype=sro-cosmo "DL Cert OK" "Security Posture End of sweep report" | extract pairdelim="\n" kvdelim=":"
| rex field=_raw "--ticket \'(?<ticket>.+)\' --summary" | fillnull value=0 | table _time ticket SA_Fail_Total_Count SA_Success_Count SA_Unreachables LP_Firmware_too_old | dedup _time ticket
That results in:
But my user wants in this format:
I am using Splunk 8.2.6.
Is there any way to format this report? So my user does not need to manipulate it in Excel?
Thank you,
Gerson Garcia
You cannot get the mangled tabulation supported by many spreadsheets (because Splunk really only do tables, not pseudo tables), but this can be close visually:
index=sro sourcetype=sro-cosmo "DL Cert OK" "Security Posture End of sweep report"
| extract pairdelim="\n" kvdelim=":"
| rex field=_raw "--ticket \'(?<ticket>.+)\' --summary"
| fillnull value=0
| table _time ticket SA_Fail_Total_Count SA_Success_Count SA_Unreachables LP_Firmware_too_old
| dedup _time ticket
| eval headings = mvappend(strftime(_time, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"), "SA_Fail_Total_Count", "SA_Success_Count", "SA_Unreachables", "LP_Firmware_too_old")
| eval values = mvappend(ticket, SA_Fail_Total_Count, SA_Success_Count, SA_Unreachables, LP_Firmware_too_old)
| foreach headings values
[eval <<FIELD>> = mvjoin(<<FIELD>>, "
| fields headings values