I am willfully using the free version, and for now don't have the option to upgrade to the paid enterprise version.
But now nearly every page I view in the SplunkWeb interface, I get the following warning pop-up at the top of the page:
"Search scheduler is disabled in Splunk's Free version. Scheduled searches that populate the summary index were found, they will not be executed - this might impact load times for dashboards that depend on the summary index."
Is there a way to disable the annoying message? (Perhaps I need to delete the scheduled searches which were added by new Apps?)
Rayfoo sent you in the right direction, but instead of disabling the search you should remove the dashboard modules that are built on those searches from the view in question. When you load the view you are calling that search which is triggering the nag message
Yes it might help to temporarily disable the scheduled searches when using the free version for now.
I don't think there's a (legit/recognised) way to disable the messages. It's Splunk's licensing terms/really gentle nag reminders after all. And we're using it for free 🙂
Sadly, disabling all of the searches under Manager | Searches and Reports does not stifle the messages.