I am setting up Splunk 6.3.2 to run on a new Red Hat 6 server and migrated from a Red Hat 5 server. I installed Splunk using the 6.3.2 rpm and Splunk works fine. I tar'd the contents of /etc on the old RH5 server and untar'd them on the new RH6 server. I have done this in the past with no issues (RH5 to RH5). Email is the only thing not working, and in the ~splunk_home/var/log/python.log I see a bunch of Connection Errors when trying to send email. What did I do wrong here when converting?
16-02-25 09:09:13,810 -0500 ERROR sendemail:378 - [Errno 111] Connection refused while sending mail to: userid@domain.com
2016-02-25 09:10:46,042 -0500 INFO sendemail:985 - sendemail pdfService = pdfgen
2016-02-25 09:10:46,043 -0500 INFO sendemail:1117 - sendemail:mail effectiveTime=1456409400
2016-02-25 09:10:47,330 -0500 INFO sendemail:1137 - Generated PDF for email
2016-02-25 09:10:47,407 -0500 ERROR sendemail:115 - Sending email. subject="Splunk Alert: Distributed_Alert_MI_(Disk Percent Free)", results_link="http://tlpsplu1:8000/app/search/@go?sid=scheduler__userid__search__RMD5ac90a8a41fbc3d92_at_1456409400_33993", recipients="[u'userid@domain.com']", server="tlpsplu1.domain.net"
2016-02-25 09:10:47,407 -0500 ERROR sendemail:378 - [Errno 111] Connection refused while sending mail to: userid@domain.com
2016-02-25 09:11:15,807 -0500 INFO sendemail:985 - sendemail pdfService = pdfgen
2016-02-25 09:11:15,808 -0500 INFO sendemail:1117 - sendemail:mail effectiveTime=1456409460
2016-02-25 09:11:17,099 -0500 INFO sendemail:1137 - Generated PDF for email
2016-02-25 09:11:17,214 -0500 ERROR sendemail:115 - Sending email. subject="Splunk Alert: Distributed_Alert_MI_(Disk Percent Free)", results_link="http://tlpsplu1:8000/app/search/@go?sid=scheduler__userid__search__RMD5ac90a8a41fbc3d92_at_1456409460_34020", recipients="[u'userid@domain.com']", server="tlpsplu1.domain.net"
As stated above, you need to check the connectivity from new server to your mail server possibly on port 25.Check the email setting in old server. Try to run the mail command manually from search and see if it is working.
Perhaps a firewall is blocking connections from the RH6 server to the email server. Or the email server doesn't recognize the RH6 server and is refusing connections from it.