I always saw these "OS" and "Windows" tags on the eventtypes.conf and tags.conf.
It's on the production environment and splunkbase applications even we're only using default Splunk CIM.
OS- can be part of Performance datamodel, how about windows ? What datamodel does it belongs ?
Hello @jadengoho
the tag "windows" doesn't belong to the default Splunk CIM and can be set by Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows, here is an excerpt from default/tags.conf:
###### Global Windows Eventtype ######
endpoint = enabled
change = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
process = enabled
report = enabled
performance = enabled
cpu = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
memory = enabled
performance = enabled
oshost = enabled
you can run btool command to find out which add-on sets this tag:
splunk btool tags list --debug
Hello @jadengoho
the tag "windows" doesn't belong to the default Splunk CIM and can be set by Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows, here is an excerpt from default/tags.conf:
###### Global Windows Eventtype ######
endpoint = enabled
change = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
process = enabled
report = enabled
performance = enabled
cpu = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
os = enabled
windows = enabled
memory = enabled
performance = enabled
oshost = enabled
you can run btool command to find out which add-on sets this tag:
splunk btool tags list --debug
Hi @PavelP what's the purpose of this tag if it doesn't belong to any datamodel ?
tags are not exclusive for data models and used generally to assign names to specific field and value combinations, so if you search for tag=windows
or tag::windows
you get windows-related (coming from) events.