• [RY-SPLUNKID-01] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-branding_kv_lookup
• [RY-SPLUNKID-01] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-iris_lookup_history
• [RY-SPLUNKID-01] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-iris_lookup_queue
• [RY-SPLUNKID-01] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-whois_lookup_history
• [RY-SPLUNKID-01] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-whois_lookup_queue
• [RY-SPLUNKID-02] The lookup table 'branding_kv_lookup' does not exist. It is referenced by configuration 'dtoolscsvkv'.
• [RY-SPLUNKID-02] The lookup table 'iris_lookup_history' does not exist. It is referenced by configuration 'dtoolscsvkv'.
• [RY-SPLUNKID-02] The lookup table 'iris_lookup_queue' does not exist. It is referenced by configuration 'dtoolscsvkv'.
• [RY-SPLUNKID-02] The lookup table 'whois_lookup_history' does not exist. It is referenced by configuration 'dtoolscsvkv'.
• [RY-SPLUNKID-02] The lookup table 'whois_lookup_queue' does not exist. It is referenced by configuration 'dtoolscsvkv'.
• [RY-SPLUNKID-03] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-branding_kv_lookup
• [RY-SPLUNKID-03] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-iris_lookup_history
• [RY-SPLUNKID-03] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-iris_lookup_queue
• [RY-SPLUNKID-03] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-whois_lookup_history
• [RY-SPLUNKID-03] Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-whois_lookup_queue
Could it be this?
It clearly says this:
The use of disabled lookups in searches or other lookups is no longer allowed
You can no longer use a disabled lookup as part of a search or other lookup. After you upgrade, when you attempt to use a disabled lookup, you receive the error message The lookup table '<lookup name>' is disabled.
The sourcetype in props.conf is referring to lookup definitions, but unable to read it. Is the above error from a custom app? check the permissions of lookups and definitions in local.meta or via GUI and setup the permissions , ensuring the lookup tables, tranforms.conf all line up.