
After upgrade to Splunk 6.2, how do I resolve error "This browser is not supported by Splunk" using the latest version of Internet Explorer?


Hi today i upgraded the office splunk enterprise server to 6.2

Everything when ok, but now the persons that need to see the splunk for Reports/Audits etc all have this error
"This browser is not supported by Splunk.
Please refer to the list of Supported Browsers."
We use the latest Internet Explorer but ... and here is where i think the problem is.
Because of other internal apps we need to setup all our IE to "compatibility mode" to work with our older apps

Is there a way around this error ?
Because i can't change the compatibility mode in IE or else our older apps wont load....

Here is a screenshot

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Here is the messaging that was used regarding the browser revision discontinuation:

Splunk is committed to providing industry-leading products and services. To deliver the best product experience, we need to periodically announce end of support information along with migration recommendations.

Splunk is announcing that effective May 1, 2014, we will discontinue support for the following browsers for all future major and minor releases of Splunk Enterprise, Hunk and Splunk Apps:

  • Internet Explorer 7
  • Internet Explorer 8
  • Firefox 10.x

These older browsers are either out of support or in extended support by their respective vendors and deliver a sub-optimal experience with our software. Splunk will continue to support the following browsers:

  • Firefox – latest release
  • Internet Explorer 9 and higher
  • Safari – latest release
  • Chrome – latest release

We will continue to support the discontinued browsers on currently released versions of our software and as part of any related maintenance releases.

This policy change impacts all future major and minor releases of Splunk Enterprise, Hunk and Splunk Apps. We strongly encourage you to upgrade your browser to a newer version or consider a dual browser strategy, in accordance with your company policy.

Please contact your account manager with any questions or to discuss browser migration paths.

New Member

The documentation is misleading because it mentions that IE 9 and above are supported. However, if the user happens to have compatibility mode on, these browsers will not allow the user to login at all. It might be more accurate to claim that IE 9 and higher are supported only under specific conditions, but that would essentially be akin to not supporting IE 9 and higher. Not supporting IE at all is a major oversight because most corporate environments use IE.

The decision to disallow the user to login for fear of a degraded user experience seems drastic and misguided. Our users want to see data that is available. The degraded experience when using d3 graphics isn't important because we don't even use d3 graphics to begin with.

It doesn't make sense, because the user not being able to login (and thus having no functionality) is far worse than the user being able to login and having a degraded experience (thus having reduced functionality).

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

tagged with internet-explorer-11 since that's the latest I can find. Please correct if wrong.

0 Karma


I have issue with IE too. it is better with Firefox.

0 Karma

New Member

But The Browser I use is Firefox really, And I don't know the reason why, Whine, Whine, Whine. Is There Anybody Can Help Me?

0 Karma


You need to disable compatibility mode, or use F12 to bring up the Developer toolbar and increase your document mode to 9 or higher the page will display properly.


I have to check for the exact setting when I get to the office, but you can use group policy to configure IE to use the standard (this would set it to the current standard based on your version of IE) and then add an exception list for those sites that require IE7 compatibility. You can also do this manually as the default (at least for IE11) is to use IE7 compatibility for local intranet sites. By unchecking that box you tell IE to use the regular defaults and then you can add your sites to the exception list above. This should allow you to verify which sites need exceptions prior to pushing out a group policy that will effect everyone.



F12 brings up the developers tools which gives you the option of changing the document mode... it's looks to do the same thing as changing the compatibility mode. But as mentioned in my previous post, the preferred method would be to change the default settings and use the exception list for the sites that require the backwards compatibility.


Yes i stated in my question that in fact am using "compatibility mode" because of issues with older aplications that require web logon and are made for IE7/IE8

So i in fact deploy all my IE with the "compatibility mode" set to on IE7
That how it is at the moment, i cant change this or else we cant run 3-4 local apps that require this

I tested it on my machine and took out "compatibility mode" and it work .. i can see the splunk web console

My question is, before 6.2, i could use splunk web console with "compatibility mode" set to IE7/IE8
Now in 6.2 i cant.
Is there a way to fix this ?

Using "F12 Developer Tools" as far as i know is to debug web pages, i dont see how can this help me with this issue, or can you explain what its is i need to look for while using F12 Tools ?


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